so today i had this thought while doing my daily blog surfing that deadlines are a good thing. It it so easy for me to put things off and not "think" about them until it's a more convenient time that eventually, I never really get to do or process things that are important. Deadlines help push me to be more intentional with my time everyday. I live off making lists of things to do or note to self. The process of crossing things off after finishing tasks leaves me with a reminder of a productive day.
So whether it be a book to read, a room to clean, a big decision to make, a dream to pursue, a project to start and complete or an appointment you really don't want to make but know you should, deadlines help. they are a good thing.
Here are some deadlines I made for myself:
- make an appointment to see the dentist by 12/31/07
- clean my scrapbook room by 10/04/07
- decide about joining Vision this year by 10/07/07
- scrapbook this week
I remember in Harry Potter, Dumbledore had this pool of thoughts that he goes to. He takes out his thoughts and puts them into the pool so that he can have room to store more thoughts and not be afraid to forget the old thoughts. That's so why I use things like the 'tasks' program on my phone, why I blog & journal, why I take pictures. That way I have a place to store these memories and make room for daily incoming thoughts and memories with people.
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