Monday, August 13, 2007

it's one of those days...

it's one of those days where things don't go the way you want it to... you waste time at the sprint store trying to get them to fix your phone when there was really nothing wrong with it in the first place.

It's one of those days where the alarm isn't working so you can't set it and should stay at home instead of go out.

It's one of those days that you just set your schedule for the next 4 weeks and it's INSANELY packed with work, volunteer and GRE studying...

It's one of those days where you really should be studying for the GRE but rather do anything else but study

It's one of those days that you just feel really overwhelmed by everything and want to sleep and not wake up for a month of so.

it's one of those days.


  1. Tim said...

    Hey Glo,
    I wish I was making coffee with you on "one of those days". I'm sorry you had a down day and I hope things got better. I miss you!! You're beautiful!!