Monday, March 12, 2007

Some Cards

I've been running low on cards lately... so i decided to make a few more. It's nice to have extra cards around in case i'm busy the week of a birthday. I found some cool quotes that I want to use on my next batch of cards. Hopefully I'll get to scrapbook some pages this week instead of working on cards... although I do find it easier to scrapbook if I make a couple cards first to get myself going...

birthday card for a girl encouragement card for a girl birthday card for a guy card for a friend who's battling cancer birthday card for a guy


  1. Unknown said...

    Hi Gloria

    We saw the comment left on our blog - is there any way we can email you directly? You may email us at about the Fontwerks class!


  2. Anonymous said...

    These look wonderful..great work...and thanks for sharing this with us...and hey for some more wonderful stuff do drop by my blog on Birthday Cards sometime and enjoy all that i've posted there!!!