So I've been on this picture taking high where I wanna capture every moment on my camera and either blog about it or scrap about it (eventually). There's still more pictures to be taken of my new scrapbook room... but we'll get there soon. Here's a recap of my weekend.
Saturday, May 20th, 2006
The roommates & I met up in Burbank at Mel's Diner for some lunch before Jeymi & I made them come along with us to scrapbook stores. We stopped by one on the way to Memories in Burbank but I wasn't sure if I could take any photos inside the store, so I didn't. But it was tons of fun. When we get together it's always a lot of laughing, joking, talking non stop, venting about life and just being on each other's side no matter what the situation is. That's friendship.

Sunday, May 21st, 2006
I put my scrapbook room together all myself! I went to Ikea and got my supplies and put it together =) Mikey was at Donn's bachelor party and when he came home, he was so surprised. I promise, I'll post pictures soon!
Monday, May 22nd, 2006 (one of my best days i've had in a long time)
I was on a mission Monday. I had to make sure that my summer school schedule was set in place. I was so stressed the whole weekend because I had gotten into physiology for the summer only to find out that anatomy and chem were pre reqs. To make a long story short, if i wasn't able to get into physiology, anatomy or chem this summer... I was at risk of having to delay my application to usc for another year...But after going to see the counselor at the JC, he told me that if the system had let me in to physiology, I was able to take it. THE BEST NEWS EVER! I know anatomy should be taken first in order to understany physio, but look... i'm willing to work extra hard to do well in the class if they would just let me take it. It's nearly impossible to get into those classes because everyone at the JCs are there for the nursing program and with me having not many units (6 units to be exact), i have no priority in enrollment, so for me to get physiology, i was determined to take it.
So after settling that, I had a group interview with BOA for the teller position and although it was long, I got my second interview right away. Because I am unable to start work until mid aug, they couldn't hire me on the spot. But in a way, I'm glad i wasn't hired. I think i would prefer to keep looking for other jobs that pay a little more and let me dress casually. I'm big on wanting to dress casually.
Which leads me to the next story that totally closed off the day for me...
So my sister texted me during the weekend about how Disneyland had this 'all you can eat' thing from 4-9pm for $10 if you have an annual pass. I didn't really believe her cos COME ON... disney? All you can EAT? and FOR $10?? No way... So after getting more details from her, she said that it was at Torilla Joes, Napels & Catel (ALL DAMN EXPENSIVE RESTAURANTS). I didn't wanna drive all the way to disneyland and be disappointed that it was just a rumor.
So on monday (i didn't work cos of the interview during the day with BOA) I called torilla joes and asked them if they were hosting some kinda 'all you can eat' event where annual pass holders get to eat for $10? and not to my surprise, the person had no idea what i was saying. But for some reason, I didn't just give up. So i called disney directly and the cast member confirmed the rumor. She said she only got the email about 20 mins ago, so the restaurants probably got it at the same time and will be informed about it by tonight. I WAS SO EXCITED!! The castmember said that it doesn't say it was 'all you can eat' but I was just excited to be able to eat at all 3 restaurants for $10 per person that i didn't care if it was all you can eat or not.
So right when Mike got back from work... we headed down to disneyland. It was a good drive too... not too much traffic in the carpool lane.
We started at Naples... good italian food. When we arrived, we learned that we only needed ONE annual pass to get in (so that means that we could have brought as many people as we wanted!) and they gave us a pink wrist band which gives us access to all 3 restaurants. The event was hosted on the top floor of these restaurant and it was like a big secret. We jumped the line to get into the restaurants and when they saw the wrist band, they treated us like VIPs. It was sooo cool! Oh, and it ended up being all you can eat + alcohol! i heart disney.

Next we went to Torilla Joes

And lastly, we ended the night at Catal

Because this was such a non promoted event, we asked to be on their mailing list so that we'd be informed about the next event (which they said might be in november). We're SOOO coming back. it was lots of fun!
Tuesday, May 23rd, 2006
So Tuesdays are my scrapbooking nights and this tuesday i finished my sign in pages on my CJ. I also altered a clock I bought from Ikea with lots of prima flowers, and 2 rub ons. The clock was only $2.50!! Great deal!